TDU_Weight says:
Obama put Clinton on Air Force One on the afternoon of July 5th 2016. I dont need any more proof than that.
That is Occams Razor, heel-to-toe, nut-to-butt, Kilroy-Was-Here level proof. The arrogance of Obama Driving Miss Clinton and Miss Clinton putting her thumb out for a ride is Zues / Hera level hubris. On that day they were gods, flying through the sky, looking down on the us deplorables, chained to the earth by our mortality.
Remember, the Olympian gods expressed all human emotions but one. ----- Shame.
Tonawanda says:
** On July 5, 2016, Comey commits a monumental act of corruption by squashing Clintons obvious criminality:
** On July 5, 2016, BO flies Clinton to a campaign rally on Air Force One and declares her the best qualified presidential candidate ever:
Olympian, indeed.