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To: for-q-clinton

Oh there is defiantly a TROLL here but I'm not sure they are Russian, are you Russian? Anyways "The lady doth protest too much, methinks", Troll

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 4:10:21 PM · 110 of 112 for-q-clinton to dynoman

LMAO! You have to do your own research. it would make too much sense to say here’s my evidence and here’s the source. And here’s another source. Instead a claim is made with hints of some type of evidence but then everyone needs to do their own research. You know Qanon is a Russian troll, right? No do your research until you can prove this true. If you can’t, you’re not thinking hard enough.

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 4:08:37 PM · 108 of 112 for-q-clinton to edzo4

You do realize Qanon is a Russian troll, right? And he said podestas are in gitmo...right? And that Mueller is working to help Trump, right? Do you still believe that bollocks or is that just a couple small mistakes. Do I know every piece of garbage Q spouts? Hell no. I know enough stupid crap he said to know he’s a liar. Also that he is a Russian troll, so I won’t spend my time reading his nonsense. Qanon and his merry band of idiots keep on marching like Louis Farrakhan and his merry band of idiots. Saying a lot of garbage that only idiots will believe. Sure he make tell a truth sometimes...which their followers use as if everything he says is true.

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 3:50:28 PM · 104 of 112 for-q-clinton to LuvFreeRepublic

I is kind of funny, but sad at the same time. It’s like a MAD TV skit the crap people will believe. Like pizzagate. And even after it’s proven that was made up by the Russian troll farm they still want to believe it. Even after someone got arrested trying to prove it was true...only to find out it is 100% fake. The Russian trolls want to divide us and they are doing a great job of it. They give extreme nut job crap on both sides of the aisle causing divisions amongst the sane and crazy from both parties. Hint: Qanon is a Russian troll.

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 3:46:59 PM · 103 of 112 for-q-clinton to edzo4

You must be arguing with yourself. I’m talking about the nonsense Qanon crap. Like Mueller is on trump’s side, Podesta’s are in GITMO since November. There is going to be a ton of suicides. That crap. I have no idea what lieflog project is. But how does that prove podestas are in jail in gitmo and that Mueller is really working for trump and going to turn the tables on the democrats?

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 2:43:08 PM · 93 of 112 for-q-clinton to LuvFreeRepublic

And it depends on what you consider research. LOL! This is numerology all over again. Some people will believe any crap.

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 2:41:01 PM · 91 of 112 for-q-clinton to edzo4

You sound like Louis Farrakhan aka Calypso Louie. The Washington Monument is 555 ft tall. 5+5+5 is 15. There are 12 Tribes of Israel (new testament). 15 minus 12 is 3! There are three demons that want to kill the black man. The Washington monument is the white man satan’s mark on this nation to enslave all black men. But 3 is not the only number. One is also a number! And there is one race that will rise up against the white man rule. And one race to bring justice by damning those that damned them. One plus One is two. Two is a greater number than one. So black men AND black women shall unite to defeat the evil white man. See QANON is actually Louis Farrakhan. They both use the same logic and reason.

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 1:47:39 PM · 79 of 112 for-q-clinton to edzo4

OMG. you must be a qanon believer. I’m sorry... It’s hard to tell when they venture out from their face space thread.

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 1:21:03 PM · 72 of 112 for-q-clinton to edzo4

I don’t think we have many of those left though. But the qanon idiots appear to be breeding today.

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 1:01:49 PM · 66 of 112 for-q-clinton to KC Burke

Qanon is lying to the idiots. They believe Mueller is in cahoots with trump and sessions is a strong AG. It’s like fantasy island. Complete utter fools and tools. Most of them believe the Russian lies.

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 12:58:50 PM · 65 of 112 for-q-clinton to edzo4

Maam the qanon nut jobs are out today. They need to keep it to the friendly fantasy thread. It in the real world logic and reason is still allowed.

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 12:34:18 PM · 54 of 112 for-q-clinton to caww

Yes keep the nut job qanon crap to the friendly thread where everyone is kicked out for injecting reason and logic.

• OIG bombshell, hidden: L.Lynch, NY FBI and Garner 4/15/2018, 12:28:54 PM · 51 of 112 for-q-clinton to jjotto

I hope you’re being sarcastic. US citizens don’t go to gitmo. Only qanon and his merry idiots think such crap.

• Digging The Details – IG Horowitz Report on Andrew McCabe… 4/13/2018, 7:54:38 PM · 18 of 63 for-q-clinton to bk1000

Qanon and his band of merry idiots strike again.

• DOJ IG releases explosive report that led to firing of ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe 4/13/2018, 6:45:11 PM · 18 of 23 for-q-clinton to Pollard

another qanon dud. How many more lies are the qanon cult going to believe before they realize they are being played like monica Lewinski with a cigar in the oval office?

• WOW here is the DOJ Inspector General report (issued TODAY, Friday, April 13, 2018) to CONGRESS... 4/13/2018, 3:34:36 PM · 40 of 75 for-q-clinton to tennmountainman

Qanon and his band of merry idiots strike again. Trust session’s and Mueller. IG report will destroy the bad guys. Bunch of dumbass if I ever seen one. Think they’ll stop their Lunacy now? I don’t. They will probably double down on stupid now.

• Rosenstein Personally Approved FBI Raid Against Trump Lawyer 4/11/2018, 8:46:12 AM · 25 of 91 for-q-clinton to weston

Oh but the idiots of the Q cult say session’s is on our side and Mueller is too. I can’t believe they are allowed to be here... They make us all look stupid by association.

Mueller Investigating Trump Over $150K Donation From Victor Pinchuk Who Gave Clintons $25 Million 4/10/2018, 7:21:30 AM · 8 of 42 for-q-clinton to mad_as_he$$

The are on the qanon idiot thread.

• Levin: ‘It’s Time for the Attorney General to Step Aside’ 4/9/2018, 11:31:06 PM · 64 of 230 for-q-clinton to conservative98

But qanon said trust the sleepy one and Mueller is working for trump. They are idiots I know.

• Mueller Investigating Ukrainian’s $150,000 Payment for a Trump Appearance 4/9/2018, 9:57:21 PM · 58 of 109 for-q-clinton to hankbrown

But Q cult says Mueller is secretly working for Trump and to trust Sessions.

• F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen 4/9/2018, 7:59:23 PM · 389 of 541 for-q-clinton to Pinkbell

Ah you mean the qanon idiots. They have a private thread and cry when someone exposes their lunacy.

• Q Anon: (3/7/18) Continued from Monday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/9/2018, 6:53:05 AM · 1,629 of 1,742 for-q-clinton to Jaxter

You’re still butt hurt I see and name calling proves it. Will it make you feel better if I apologize. I’m sorry we were dumb enough to believe q. We were both very stupid and gullable to call for his trolling. I’m sorry we were fooled by him. But we can resolve not to be as stupid in the future by exposing his deceit.

• Q Anon: (3/7/18) Continued from Monday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/8/2018, 11:02:10 PM · 1,434 of 1,742 for-q-clinton to IncPen

I know I can’t believe I feel for qanons lies. Never again. He trolled us hard.

Scientist Says He's Found Fossilized Alien Footprints On Mars, Blames NASA For Cover-up 3/7/2018, 1:56:15 AM · 6 of 43 for-q-clinton to Jim 0216

Qanon cultists will run with this.

Q Anon: (3/5/18) Continued from Friday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/5/2018, 6:32:03 AM · 32 of 1,395 for-q-clinton to ransomnote

Well suicide weekend was a bust. So was ha ha ha ha ha week. Why did I ever believe him after he lied about podesta being in gitmo? I’m lost. All the brain power everyone has used to translate his nonsense is a waste. Q is probably the Russian troll farm 2.0. The same guys that gave us pizza gate and made us look like fools. Now q has done it too. How can I be so stupid and fall for this garbage again? I hope everyone else in these threads have realized we have been trolled by Q. And now our time will be spent learning how not be so so stupid next time.

Q Anon: (3/2/18) Continued from Wednesday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/3/2018, 9:59:49 PM · 382 of 1,322 for-q-clinton to corlorde

You’re doing the lord’s work with that refresh cycle you’re on. I’m relying on you to keep me posted. I just don’t have the time to commit to watching all the news and every Q thread. I’m trusting in you my fellow Qanon follower to keep me and others on FR posted. This suicide weekend is going to be huge. Even if there is only one day left. I was mocked when I thought suicide weekend was supposed to happen 9 Feb, but I was wrong and the q cult correctly pointed out it was 3 weeks later. Popcorn on standby. Good thing I didn’t put butter on may have gone bad by now.

Q Anon: (3/2/18) Continued from Wednesday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/3/2018, 7:46:57 PM · 367 of 1,322 for-q-clinton to little jeremiah

Who is sneering? I’m now a true believer in qanon. I bought extra popcorn for suicide weekend. I can’t wait for the main event to start. Only one more day left but I know q doesn’t lie so it will happen. No way q is just an internet troll. He is real and his prophecy is true. If you don’t believe in suicide weekend you should get off the friendly q threads. This is for believers not anti q dolts.

Q Anon: (3/2/18) Continued from Wednesday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/3/2018, 1:56:30 PM · 312 of 1,322 for-q-clinton to IncPen

I posted this on another thread. Who was this guy? What implications does this have for politics? Is it just some random nut job? If so I’m pretty sure that’s not what qanon was talking about. But we have more days left for the weekend. It’s suicide time! I’ve got the popcorn going.

Developing: NBC announces White House "Shelter In Place" following security breach. 3/3/2018, 12:27:09 PM · 17 of 101 for-q-clinton to bagster; corlorde

This may be it. Suicide weekend is beginning. QANON was right. Oh wait...maybe not.

13,000 SEALED INDICTMENTS FOR PAST THREE MONTHS...WITH EVIDENCE THIS TIME...NEW CAMP BEING BUILT... 3/3/2018, 3:22:25 AM · 127 of 128 for-q-clinton to bagster

I just woke up and checked the news so far qanon is wrong but we know that can’t be. Suicide weekend must be happening today. Woot woot.

Q Anon: (3/2/18) Continued from Wednesday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/2/2018, 4:37:05 AM · 13 of 1,322 for-q-clinton to Desron13

This is suicide weekend. Who do you think is going to kill themselves per qanon?

13,000 SEALED INDICTMENTS FOR PAST THREE MONTHS...WITH EVIDENCE THIS TIME...NEW CAMP BEING BUILT... 3/1/2018, 8:04:10 PM · 109 of 128 for-q-clinton to bagster

Nope not me. I like being called names. It means I won the argument. Now back on point. Who do you think will be the suicide people that QANON spoke about this weekend? I can’t wait to see who it is. This is exciting...even if it is only political suicide we will know. QANON the almighty trump insider has told us so. Who do you think? Podestas maybe? They are in gitmo according to QANON so who knows...maybe they kill themselves to end it. Maybe Hillary, Huma, and Debbie WasherfaceSchults. Or Adam Schiff? who do you think?

13,000 SEALED INDICTMENTS FOR PAST THREE MONTHS...WITH EVIDENCE THIS TIME...NEW CAMP BEING BUILT... 3/1/2018, 5:31:39 PM · 105 of 128 for-q-clinton to bagster

I can’t wait. This weekend is the big suicide weekend for Qanon followers.’s so exciting. I have no idea how many or who, but I know it’s going to be HUUUGGE! Who do you think will be part of the suicide group?

• Q Anon: (2/28/18) Continued from Friday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/1/2018, 2:59:27 PM · 332 of 464 for-q-clinton to ransomnote; bagster

Correct me if this is incorrect. But on 9 Feb QANON said [next week] [next week] [next week] Suicide Weekend So that means this weekend is suicide weekend. Only thing I’ve seen so far is some reporter thinks they are driving Trump to commit suicide. But I don’t think that’s it. Or is it? Who is going to commit suicide this weekend in politics? I’m hoping it’s Mueller that would be fun to watch. But I doubt it. I really don’t know, but I’m on pins and needles waiting for this weekend. I know the HAHAHAHAHAHAH week was crap and never panned out, but this is it. This is the weekend we’ve been waiting for! Woot Woot! Suicide Weekend!

• Q Anon: (2/28/18) Continued from Friday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/1/2018, 2:26:36 PM · 331 of 464 for-q-clinton to stylin19a

Must have been the podestas, but we’re safe from them now. Qanon has informed us they are at Gitmo since November. Since we all know Qanon is right that means someone else is posting as Podesta on Twitter.

• Q Anon: (2/28/18) Continued from Friday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/1/2018, 2:24:13 PM · 330 of 464 for-q-clinton to corlorde

Wow. You must be right. That means Trump is sending bad juju at the people who he wants to commit suicide this weekend. It’s suicide weekend baby! I hope Trump uses his bad juju on Mueller. That would be fun to watch. But he appears to be limited to minor bit players at this time. I’m making extra popcorn for this weekend. I’m watching the news and posting/talking on FR as the suicides occur one after the next. Qanon is amazing.

• Q Anon: (2/28/18) Continued from Friday's thread. FRiendly Freeper Collaboration 3/1/2018, 11:22:31 AM · 301 of 464 for-q-clinton to TruthWillWin

Well this weekend is suicide weekend according to qanon. So we will soon know if it’s fake news. But then again if you go back to November when he said podesta was in gitmo you’d think this already is fake news.

130 posted on 04/15/2018 1:47:56 PM PDT by edzo4 (Thank Q very much!!!)
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To: edzo4

So pointing out how stupid Qanon and his merry band of idiots are is trolling? I’m being obvious about it so I wouldn’t call that trolling Qanon is trolling you.

141 posted on 04/15/2018 3:36:40 PM PDT by for-q-clinton
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