Bad leak from Weasel Mueller.
When will Sessions stop the leaks?
Aren’t the leaks illegal?
It’s time to put mueller out of our misery.
How about launching a Tomahawk at Obersturmbannfuhrer Mueller, Mr. Trump? He is a far greater threat to our republic - and yourself - than anyone in Syria.
If Darwin were alive to and saw how the left act he would change his theory.
Well, I can tell you who I believe. And it isn’t the fbi/doj or the msm.
Sessions is a disgrace allowing this to go on & on.
This crap was debunked months ago and now they report it again as if this is news. Shameless clickbait.
REPORT: Intelligence Community Believes It Was a Different Michael Cohen Who Visited Prague
Two authors, two sources?
Maybe each author is counting the other author as a source. LOL.
Corrupt Mueller and his leftist associates in D.C. are an embarrassing spectacle.
And they don’t see how bad something like this looks? Amazing.
One would think passport control would solve this fact/non-fact.
What?! The State Dept. is in charge of passport control?
Never mind.
So now, in desperation, the Mueller inquisition via the media is recycling old disproven accusations. It would be pretty easy to prove if Cohen was in Prague. There would be a paper trail of receipts for meals, hotels, airline tickets, not to mention a log somewhere of his entrance to a foreign country.
We know damn well if any of that evidence actually existed, the Deep State boys club of the US / UK would have dug it up.
The Mueller investigation has entered the delusional phase. Much like a UFO cult that predicts an exact date and time for a close encounter, when it doesnt happen, they double down with even more outrageous predictions.
Mueller: “Yes, yes. You have definitive proof you have never been to Prague. So my only question of you, Mr. Cohen, is why you traveled to Prague? Was it to meet Vlad Putin, to arrange for peeing prostitutes for Donald Trump?”
Mulehead is losing his freaking mind.
Will they get him for “lying” to Press. Mueller..I mean the FBI?
Rather than firing Mueller, someone should start disbarment proceedings against him. Once disbarred, he will have to resign his special prosecutor position and then he can be fired for cause and stripped of any federal pension or benefits.
If and I suspect it will be easy for Cohen to prove he was in LA, then he and others need to go after Mueller in a way that neuters him without looking to the public that it is obstruction of justice, but that it is justice being served.
McClatchy accomplished their mission. Rile up the right and sell advertising. They keep themselves front and center and the masses fall for it every time.
This should be an easy one, check the records of those entering and leaving Europe. Oh wait, anyone is free to come and go these days, huh?