Now, let’s investigate Rosenstein’s sex life with a microscope and raid his attorney’s office as well as the sex life of Mueller, Weissmann, Comey, Carr, Goldstein, and the rest of the RAT sewer dwellers on the special council. Let’s see how pure these RATs are.
In fact, how about investigating every member of Congress and see who’s pure enough to serve We The People. New standards need to be in place.
That’s a very good idea.
Yes lets do it and watch the Hyenas in congress howl.
.....and, how about we find out just who all of the payouts went to and for WHOM, from the Congressional Sex Slush fund.
Why hasn’t that list been made public, yet?
“New standards need to be in place”
I would think that older, more
conservative standards should be
brought back.
The reason to ignore Congresses
request until the last hour is
blatantly obvious. I’ll never
believe any of these Congress
miscreants until I see the majority of them in handcuffs.
The media should give every candidate for elected office a through and public protological exam before an election.