I think the cards are being stacked here. You force the question on the Census, then you have a federal record. Then you offer up DACA with the provision...if you have voted in the past as a non-citizen or answered wrongly on the Census record....your application for citizenship gets trashed. Toss in some type of national ID card coming by the end of Trump’s eight years and I think the non-citizen hype will be wrapped up and gone.
There are many who will object to a national ID card in any form, relating it to the Mark of the Beast and One World government. Let's just get rid of a few federal departments (education, for one) and use a portion of the money saved to enforce existing immigration laws. And the rest to finish the WALL, which we will charge back to the countries of origin of captured illegals as deductions from any foreign aid or additional tariffs on goods they ship to us.
I would love to think that you are right about this. And I wouldn’t put it past Trump to have thought this through for the long game... but just hard to believe it will turn out as you suggest (since these type of issues typically go “against” us....).