Remember that song about Small town Saturday night? ... tells Lucy the world aint round. It drops off sharp at the edge of town.?
Take hope though, people in Kansas think things are better in Oklahoma. Probably better than New Mexico as well. At least people here are sort of conservative.
We have our issues, like everywhere else. I wouldn’t live anywhere but Edmond. People in Kansas envy our taxes. I have a friend who drove from Wichita to Ponca City to buy a boat, simply to register it in Oklahoma and save on the taxes.
You are right but I always want to see things better and figure out how to do that. I read an article on mediocrity the other day. It reminded me that Average is the way things are. Average not exceptional and that exceptional only exists in pockets and by force of will.
Oklahoma does not even seem average to me any more. It used to be at least that. On any benchmark scale not the best not the worst just solidly average.