Only if you factor in all the states of the United states:
State.......Number of Slaves....Percentage
Alabama - 435,080 - 35%
Arkansas - 111,115 - 20%
Florida - 61,745 - 34%
Georgia - 462,198 - 37%
Louisiana - 331,726 - 29%
Mississippi- 791,305 - 49%
N. Carolina -331,059 - 28%
S. Carolina- 402,406 - 46%
Tennessee - 149,335 - 25%
Texas - 182,566 - 28%
Virginia - 490,865 - 26%
That puts the average closer to 33%
If you notice..THAT is the number of slaves...NOT slave OWNERS....
Besides, does this mean you are OK with northern state slave owners??? You didn’t put them in...
Mississippi- 791,305 - 49%
Do you actually think its credible that HALF the population of the state OWNED slaves???????
I would say that the “percentage” number shown is the percentage of the state population that were slaves...