Save your hot head rhetoric.
All you see is men doing things to enslave other men, but men are not in charge.
We are nearing the end of the “End Times,” and those troubling prophecies in the Revelation have begun to unfold.
Around this time in 2021 the “Little Horn” will take a prominant position in European politics, and I can promise you things will quickly make present difficulties look like a May Day picnic.
Do you think your “cartridge box” will overcome what is written in the word of God?
Even Christ himself knows not the hour - so save your “personal interpretation” of scripture for the pearl clutchers.
Or do you plan to hide in a cave? Do you expect we’ll all roll over for every manifestation of evil, on the chance that it might be some play of the “end times?”
False prophets are a dime a dozen. Each time things get difficult, where men are required to take a stand, them come the parade of “prophets” - the devil’s useful idiots, who proclaim their predictions that the “end is upon us.” If our predecessors followed your path, we’d all still be serving the English crown, or else speaking German or Japanese.