“The wheels of justice grind exceedingly slow but exceedingly fine.”
Rushing in the law is the worst thing you can do. It allows for mistakes than can throw an entire case out. One has to be exceedingly patient. So your “NOW” demands could hurt the cause you wish to see fulfilled. Practice a little patience.
“One has to be exceedingly patient.”
Nonsense! The fact of the matter is that virtually nothing has been done for more than a year. I understand the judicial process is slow, but it hasn’t even started with regard to virtually everything that relates to the DOJ/FBI. All we’ve been treated to in large measure is these departments stonewalling the Congressional committees charged with oversight responsibilities. That’s not the “wheels of justice grinding slowly,” it’s outright obstruction of justice. That which is at stake, demands action NOW! It’s distressing to me that you don’t see it in that light. Trump is probably this country’s last chance at remaining a Constitutional Republic, because the RATs, when they are able to get control once again, plan to obliterate the Constitution, and make America another European-style Marxist/Socialist State, where there is little or no freedom. You need to loose your patience, unless that’s what you want to occur. If people who think like you prevail, we’re finished.