To: rightwingintelligentsia
Trump had a lunch meeting with NRA leaders last Sunday -- including Cox and NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre ... There is an impasse here.
- If Cox and LaPierre permit compromising the 2nd Amendment, the NRA is dead.
- If Trump doesn't get his 2nd Amendment compromise, then Trump is shown to be either
- an enemy of the 2nd who didn't get what he wanted, or
- a liar who said and acted like he wanted to gut the 2nd Amendment, but didn't really mean it.
How is this sound business practice? What kind of deal making is this, when one of the parties is disingenuous? Dems will have figured it out.
They are ideologues, not stupid. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
To: nonsporting
a liar who said and acted like he wanted to gut the 2nd Amendment, but didn’t really mean it.
If that is in fact Trump’s strategy, I have no issues with it, since it’s the mirror image of the Democratic strategy. Say one thing, do another, and paint your opponent as an extremist. But it’s not clear that’s what he’s doing, given his past statements on RKBA issues.
36 posted on
03/02/2018 5:24:28 AM PST by
Zhang Fei
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