Maybe so, but I would be concerned about companies like Amazon that may no longer consider coming to the state of Georgia. Lots of potential jobs that may not pan out. This happened not too long ago in North Carolina.
Governor Deal has told Georgians we should sell our souls for a mess of Amazon jobs. Bow to Bezos instead of Jesus! NO THANKS.
Im pretty sure Amazon wouldnt qualify for an airline tax break....
We need to quit being concern about what the libtards will do. We should not modify our ethical beliefs based on potential loss of income. Like the Boy scouts did.
Amazon, wherever it lands, is going to absolutely RAPE and PILLAGE whatever state, county, city, or town they settle in.
They didn’t pay a dime in taxes on the $5+ billion they made last year. Here’s to hoping that they take their liberal, hipster, techie employee’s somewhere else because Georgia believes in the Constitution.
They can kiss their Amazon HQ chances goodbye. Bezos will never roll the dice on them.