> “SC are not appointed by Congress.”
You are not Congress. You seem to think Congress and other parts of the government operate according to some outside authority that you prescribe.
Congress can make laws and pass bills for the President to sign. I described one scenario where that could all be done in less than a day.
Congress has precedent in the Independent Counsel Law that expired. Under that law, they could most certainly appoint an SP and they can do so today after minimal legislative maneuvering.
Ken Starr was appointed by a three-Judge Panel.
Stop posting like you are some sort of arbiter of what government can and can’t do. The only check on Congress is the Constitution. Appointing independent counsels including SPs is not unconstitutional. They can do it. They can pass a budget resolution with a special rider for a limited reinstatement of the old law. They can do a lot more as well. The President will sign what they send him.