Or the salary, or the lifetime healthcare, or the lifetime defined benefit pension....
You know (evidently) nothing about police procedure, or rules of engagement. Police are trained to wait for back-up, access the danger, if possible, identify the shooter, what he is packing, direction of shooter, and define line of sight to minimize collateral damage from an officers discharge of his weapon. It certainly is not as cut an dried as you would like to make it. Like I said, we are not all Dirty Harry, with the most powerful hand gun in the world, with constant firing of that weapon. Many police have only to qualify once a year on the firing range. Many departments have inconvenient things like budgets. Being a postscript, he died in the line of duty sounds good, but most cops just want to go home at night and be safe. This guy has been on the job for over 30 years, you seem to be willing to take everything he has done and wipe it out over 7 minutes. Hope that nobody ever judges you that harshly. You don’t really know what he did in that 7 minutes, he has not made a public statement, and the police did not either. Remember, they allowed him to resign, for the good of the department, but he also got full retirement. Not something one would get if they had done something terribly wrong. Why are you not condemning the department for not providing back-up for over 10 minutes from is call? Poop rolls downhill, never forget that!