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To: nickcarraway
Well, what’s stoppin’ ya?
2 posted on
02/20/2018 12:11:17 PM PST by
(Charter member of the Basket of Deplorables)
To: nickcarraway
Who’s stopping him? Send in as many checks as you want Bill.
To: nickcarraway
4 posted on
02/20/2018 12:11:39 PM PST by
To: nickcarraway
He is free to write a check to the Treasury Department at any time that he chooses. Rather, he would prefer to just run off at the mouth. What a waste of DNA.
5 posted on
02/20/2018 12:11:43 PM PST by
("Tone down the tagline please." - Admin Moderator)
To: nickcarraway
Gates made the same comments years ago.
Hell Bill, give it all away.
6 posted on
02/20/2018 12:11:56 PM PST by
To: nickcarraway
.....BS...he knows he could donate as much as he wants....
7 posted on
02/20/2018 12:12:00 PM PST by
(( USAF.68-73..8th TFW Ubon Thailand....never store a threat you should have eliminated)))
To: nickcarraway
Fine, go ahead. I don’t care. Just don’t make ME pay higher taxes!
8 posted on
02/20/2018 12:12:11 PM PST by
(We are getting even more than we voted for!)
To: nickcarraway
Just send it in Big Blue Screen Mouth.
9 posted on
02/20/2018 12:12:25 PM PST by
To: nickcarraway
After putting a dozen kids through college, I could certainly use some money, Bill. I’d love to buy some food!
10 posted on
02/20/2018 12:12:35 PM PST by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: nickcarraway
Said as he shelters mega-billions in his TAX EXEMPT foundation.
11 posted on
02/20/2018 12:12:36 PM PST by
(Wisdom and education are different things. Don't confuse them.)
To: nickcarraway
Idiot...give your own money to causes that benefit all. Cut out the middleman(bureaucrats).
12 posted on
02/20/2018 12:12:40 PM PST by
(Wisdom is more valuable than gold and diamonds, and harder to find)
To: nickcarraway
13 posted on
02/20/2018 12:13:40 PM PST by
(Duty, Honor, Country)
To: nickcarraway
Then do so Billy. the US Govt is more then willing to take any check you write it.
But that the dirty secret ins’t it? YOU won’t pay higher taxes, you want all of US to have to pay higher taxes.
14 posted on
02/20/2018 12:13:47 PM PST by
("The political class is a bureaucracy designed to perpetuate itself" Rush Limbaugh)
To: nickcarraway
The tax code has many things in it. Things that all but name the person they are intended for but we never see them because they don’t apply to us.
I suggest that this be implemented for mr gates.
15 posted on
02/20/2018 12:14:07 PM PST by
(Thinking Caps are no longer being issued but there must be a warehouse full of them somewhere.)
To: nickcarraway
The “tax-me-more” fund. Write them, but quit sticking your snout into other’s business.
16 posted on
02/20/2018 12:14:16 PM PST by
To: nickcarraway
That clown pays the legal minimum. He can always pay more of his own free will.
17 posted on
02/20/2018 12:14:28 PM PST by
(Americans are dreamers too.)
To: nickcarraway
So take the standard deduction.
18 posted on
02/20/2018 12:14:41 PM PST by
(Asking a pro athlete for political advice is like asking a cavalry horse for tactical advice.)
To: nickcarraway
Nothing in the law prevents Bill Gates from voluntarily paying more in taxes. What’s stopping him?
I’m tired of virtue-signaling from rich liberals. The rest of us prefer to pay fewer taxes.
We live on only so much and the government has an obscene amount of money but the return we get from it isn’t as obvious as it appears to be.
19 posted on
02/20/2018 12:14:56 PM PST by
((In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Forever))
To: nickcarraway
“People who are wealthier tended to get dramatically more benefits than the middle class or those who are poor”
No they don’t. That’s a bold-face lie. The question for Gates is whether he voluntarily pays more taxes than he is required to by the IRS and, if not, why not? After all he believes he should pay more taxes. If he believes thay way then he should set an example.
To: nickcarraway
Liberalspeak: "I need to pay higher taxes."
Real world translation: "You need to pay higher taxes."
21 posted on
02/20/2018 12:15:08 PM PST by
("You are fake news.")
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