EPA chief claims he needs first-class flights to avoid 'unpleasant' interactions with taxpayers in coach
That's a lie...the quote says "unpleasant transactions with other travelers."
Quite a difference.
There is a simple solution to his “problem”; do away with the EPA! (Hey, another slogan!)
translation: To avoid confrontations with Alinskyized SJW left-wing activists in coach.
I see nothing wrong with a department head flying first or business class.
The head of a large federal agency should get business class at the least. No other reason should be required.
Yes, I know the EPA shouldn’t exist.
So, he’s playing the Queen Sheila Jackson Lee card.
I don’t have a problem with Scott Pruitt flying business or first class. Cabinet members are busy people with a lot of responsibility and they don’t need to prove anything by sitting wedged in the middle seat in coach.
They are also apt to be targets for people on the other side of the political spectrum. He probably would be subjected to constant unpleasant interactions from taxpaying Ahole democrats. That’s a hostile work environment and I wouldn’t want to be subjected to it either.
No Shit. Coach SUCKS!
I'm sick and tired of those Washington gluttons luxuriating at the public trough.
So if Trump’s people fly private, they’re humiliated by the Dems. And if they fly public, they’re supposed to take abuse from the Dems. I think a deal that gives them the public flight with some separation makes a great deal of sense. Federal government employees often don’t have a choice about traveling. That sort of constant harrassment while they’re traveling isn’t a requirement for the job. He’s doing JUST what we want him to do. He’s taking down the EPA, bit by bit. Give him a little leeway to do it. Enough of the cranks go after him when he can get away from them. Traveling, he’s stuck with them. Keep the cranks away.
Why can’t he just get Sheila Jackson Lee to book his travel? First class for the price of coach.
Considering that many Earth First ! members along with ALF & ELF are scattered all over the USA, perhaps we shouldn’t be so quick to deride Pruitt’s comments.
However, he is a pretty bland/common looking person & unless he also has SS security, I don’t think that many other passengers would even recognize him.
Since Trump promised to end the EPA, perhaps when that job is accomplished, Pruitt can work in another cabinet post, where he isn’t in such daily danger.
I think that interacting with passengers in coach should be part of the job description.
I probably wouldn’t recognize him either. But I also don’t have a job that used to depend on grants from the EPA to “study” global warming.
While I am not typically an environmentalist nor an alarmist and realize that HBO might not be a reputable source to some, but I you have a chance to watch it, it is well worth it. It made me angry, as should it anyone.
Representatives from the EPA and the Army Corps and the owner of the landfill continually talk down to these residents and then refused to talk to them at all.
The EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers and the landfill owner Republic Services have done nothing and continually downplay the risks, yet people along Cold Water Creek (North St. Louis County, Missouri) have had their homes and yards contaminated by radioactive waste, materials left over from refinement during the Manhattan Project, that was dumped many years ago in the nearby landfill, illegally BTW, and now a smoldering fire in the landfill is getting very close to reaching the nuclear waste, and there is a cluster of cancer cases and other illnesses associated with exposure to thorium 230.
Its been designated as an EPA Superfund site since 1990, yet theres been no cleanup or containment attempted and many of the residents never knew anything about it as it wasnt disclosed to them when they bought or built their homes, and now they cant even sell their homes and move away because their property values have plummeted.
Maybe Scott Pruitt could fly to St. Louis and talk to these people give them some honest answers and vow to help them. He could even fly there first class for all I care.