Praise God above. This is the right ruling.
Love the judge flipping the script on the leftscum with his language.
That's how you do it.
...Praise God above. This is the right ruling...
And in California too.
I know there are a lot of folks on here that think it's not discriminatory, but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, know how that goes.
Take this sentence for instance:
I will not serve you because you are [blank].
Start inserting words: black, white, handicapped, gay, lesbian, asian, conservative, liberal, Christian, muslim, jewish, athiest, a Patriots fan, an Eagles fan.
Now, for those of you that have read this far, Let's talk about Jesus Christ. Jesus loves everyone. Jesus hung out with the thieves, hookers, dissidents, tax collectors, and worse. Jesus was perfect, and Jesus did not discriminate.
There are Old Testament teachings that prohibit interracial marriage, and in those days, interracial was a lot less easy to define than black and white. Additionally, theft and adultery were illegal according to the Old Testament, yet Jesus sought out these people.
If we really want to go there, then we can also talk about what Jesus said about Judgement, but I think I've said enough.
Now, that said, if the lesbian couple was expecting the actual baker to come to the wedding and denounce her faith, then that's a different story.
This is exactly what I’ve been saying here on FR for years now. I was even told that this argument was “too nuanced”. It’s exactly the argument. It is really a free speech issue where, in this specific instance, the religious values are involved. This doesn’t have to be the case however, it could be a black man running a printing shop where he’s asked to print flyers for a KKK rally. You would expect him to kick them out the door, nobody would take issue. Of course, this is really about lefty hatred for Christian’s and forcing them to do something they’re against. They’re engaging in tyranny just as the judge explains.
Every time one of these lawsuits come up, “tyrannical bigot” should be hurled at the accusers.