Phone numbers for Al Gore, Robert Riech, Bruce Lindsey, Cheryl Mills, Hillary’s DC landline, Jack Tapper, James Carville, Podesta’s home phone, Paul Begala .
Lots of media contacts also.
A Dem politician with media names in his address book is about as newsworthy as Trump-Russian collusion . . . a whole lot of nothing-burger . . . Watch the documentary on Weiner and you’ll see why.
Someone could call Cheryl Mills, tell her you happen to find a couple of laptops and phones in a trunk of a car that she and Hillary would find interesting with a huge load of emails saved to the harddrive.
Then watch the wench implode.
I think these are most of the highlights from the list of names.
Note: I took Bianca Jagger (Mick Jagger’s ex-wife) off my list - she’s a somewhat private citizen who is politically deluded, not a leader in the anti-American socialist network.
Note: Line breaks and entry separations are uncertain. C, H, and W seem to indicate cell, home, and work phone numbers.
Al Gore 703-875-9207
Al Gore 615-292-1488 H 615-327-2227 12 Lynwood Blvd Nashville TN 37205
Arianna Huffington 310-
440-9490 W (310) 245-9543 C
300 N. Carmelina Ave Los Angeles CA 90049
Arianna Huffington ariannahuf(at) chbella(at) colin(at)
310-440-9490 W (310) 245-9543 C
300 N. Carmelina Ave Los Angeles CA 90049
Ben Gerson benjhg(at) 646-840-0786 H 646-839-3331 W 908-684-4081 (country) Pager
Harvard Business Review 75 Rockefeller Plaza New York NY 2 Sutton Place South NY Ben Haas benjamin.haas(at) 440-821-1173 C
Bill Clinton 914-861-9380 (Chappaqua) H 212-348-4963 W 320-4109
Bill Kovach bkovach(at) 301-718-2508 H 202-293-7394 W Bill Moyers 212-560-6960 W 212-560-8545 W 917-696-8878 C
Public Affairs TV 356 W. 58th St. NY NY 10019 Bill Murray 703 793 1728 H 703 505 1788 C Bill Richardson 505-476-2200 W 505-699-8222 C
John Warner 202-302-1913 C 202-686-
2015 W C C C
Bob Reich rbreich(at) rbreich(at) 617-661-2523 H
Bob Rubin 212-793-8883 W ^pBob Shrum robert.shrum(at) 338-1812 H 337-9600 W 508-888-2172 H 202-365-
4107 C
Cass Sunstein csunstei(at) csunstei(at) 773-288-2613 H 773-702-9498 W
773-550-2580 C
Cecile Richards cecile(at) 202-974-8330 W 202-550-8147 C
Cheryl Mills cheryl.mills(at) cheryl.mills(at) 212-348-2979 W 202-412-9394
C Chris Wolf cwolf(at) 202-416-6818 W 202-669-7402 C
Christiane Amanpour camanpour(at)
David Brock david_brock(at) davidbrockdc(at) 202-756-4107 W 202-744-7480 C 302-226-
3566 (Rehobeth) Pager
David Miliband d.gunners2010(at) 207-586-2117
H 207-219-8320 W 7824518265 C
David Seldin dseldin(at) 202-973-3079 W NARAL Communcations
Ed Miliband 7717865676 C
Eugene Robinson robinsong(at)
Fareed Zakaria fareed.zakaria(at) 212-445-4672 W 917-324-8740 C
Frank Rich frrich(at) frrich(at) 212-787-1026 H 212-556-7414 W
Garry Trudeau dbury1(at) 212-759-8985 H 212-721-5075 W 212-759-8564 H New York 7
Gary Hart Gary.Hart(at) 303.352.3763 H 303-607-0888 W
George Soros 212-262-6300 W
Soros 888 Seventh Ave NY NY 10106
Greta Van Sustren greta(at) 243-3116 H 842-6390 W 498-1438 C Guido Goldman guidogoldman(at) 646-522-6621 C
Harold Ickes 887-6726 W
Hillary Clinton 3067 Whitehaven street, NW Washington DC 20008 Hillary Clinton 202 228-0772 Fax
HRC 342-0374/265-8074 (DC) H 224-5723 W 914-861-9369/202-228-0283 Fax 914-861-9380 (Chappaqua) C
Huma Abedin Huma_Abedin(at)
2020 12th St, NW #709 Washington DC 20009
Husain Haqqani hhaqqani(at) haqqanih 202-270-2570 C
Jake Tapper Tapperjake 202-222-7832 W 917-593-1685 C Auto-Added James Carville 703-739-7777 W
424 S. Washington St. Alexandria VA 22314
Janet Napolitano 602-542-1950 W 602-253-0883 W Governor of Arizona Executive Office 1700 West Washington
Phoenix Arizona 85007
Jeffrey Toobin jeffrey_toobin(at) jeffrey_toobin(at) 212-286-5886 W
Jill Abramson abramson(at) abramson(at) 703-979-2405 H 212-556-7292 W
Jim Kennedy kennedy2004(at) 1160 5th Ave. Apt. 404 NY NY 10029
Jeffrey Toobin jeffrey_toobin(at) jeffrey_toobin(at) 212-286-5886 W
Jill Abramson abramson(at) abramson(at) 703-979-2405 H 212-556-7292 W
Jim Kennedy kennedy2004(at) 1160 5th Ave. Apt. 404 NY NY 10029
John Podesta Podestafam podesta(at) jpodesta(at) 244-5673 H 662-9534 Law school W 682-1611 (Center) W 294-6114 C
Georgetown Law Center 600 New Jersey Ave. Washington DC 20001
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend kktowns(at) 202-460-4485
Kirsten Powers KirstenPowers(at)
476 Sackett Street Apt 3 Brooklyn, New York 11231
Kitty Kelley kittykelley(at) kittykelley(at) 342-0606 H
Lanny Davis ldavis(at) 301-963-8834 H 301-928-7532 C
Lauren Jiloty laurenjiloty(at) lauren.jiloty(at) 425.497.4330 W 425.785.5305 C C C C Executive
Assistant to Bill Gates 7853 SE 27th Street Apt. E-503 Mercer Island, WA 98040
Lynn Rothschild lder(at) lynn1(at) 07787566038 PA 212-403-3683 PA 2073495500 H 212 980 0025 (geraldine) H 646-250-3567 H 7711979194 C 44-229-668-8204 H London 435 E. 52nd Street NY NY 10022 31
Madeleine Albright 334-2428 H 778-3565 W
Max Blumenthal xamxam1(at) maxjblumenthal(at) 202-744-4951 H C C C C
054-444-3662 1801 Dorchester Road #3M Brooklyn NY 11226
Michael Vachon michael.vachon(at) 212-320-5526 W 917-859-0970 C
Soros 888 Seventh Ave. NY NY 10106
Mike Cantor mcantor(at) mcantor(at) 234-9282 H 835-1619 W 255-2567 C
Paul Begala pbegala(at) pbegala(at) 703-893-9033/893-9239 H 898-7981 W 703-288-5548
W 540/477-3064 H
Paul Krugman pkrugman(at) 609-688-0315 H Paul London 966-7893 H
Rahm Emanuel recos(at) 312-665-4289 H 773-255-2274 (Amy cell) Fax 312-953-3088 C
3407 Woodley Road NW 20009 Washington DC 20009
Rob Reiner (310)395-5505 H (310) 285-2300 W
Roger Stone players02(at) 202-262-3034 C
Sandy Berger shb55 363-8070 H 637-5698 W
Terry McAuliffe terry(at),
Tom Oliphant Tom.Susan2(at) 202-965-5415 W
Warren Beatty mp2980(at) 310-470-4752 H