Sounds like the patron needs some more range time.
Or a free plate of waffles. He was probly hungry and not wanting to be bothered by malcontents interrupting his waffle and bacon.
I get a lil shaky when I get hungry.
A friend of mine who served in Vietnam told me a story about one of his men who was walking down a dirt road ahead of the rest of the group. He was suppose to be keeping a close eye out for enemy but it had been a long hot day and he was trudging along without paying close attention to his surroundings. When he came to a small bridge that crossed a creek, he looked up and saw a Viet Cong trudging toward him on the other side of the bridge about 40 feet away.
The two noticed each other at the exact same time. They each started screaming and in panic mode they each started shooting and quickly unloaded their magazines. The lone Viet Cong soldier then turned around and ran off. They made a lot of noise but neither was injured. It was all over before anyone in the rest of the group had a chance to respond. Every other soldier in the group claimed that they would have killed the Viet Cong, but in the heat of the moment things do not always go the way you think that they should.
Too true.