“The bankers are going down. You can take that to the bank.”
It’s true. I have contacts in a number of high profile financial places that say they are in fear. Goldman-Sachs is churning out weak patent applications to try and trip up BCT companies by patenting indefensible things (roadblocks) that will take money to clear away.
The Federal Reserve is muttering about getting involved in some sort of cryptocurrency because if they don’t, their monopoly and role become irrelevant.
When I and others in my circle make statements about the bankers going down, we are looking at the long view. For now, their networks and drones can feel comfortable, fortified, secure. But the people at the top are scared sh*tless because they know what’s going down over the long term.
They can’t stop it and there’s nothing they can do about it although they will try their damnedest to slow it. They will go the way of the buggy whips, outdated shells of yesteryear.
And like was said already, the NSA doesn’t care. They have their backdoors already operating. So the banks won’t be able for long to be going to them crying for help.