I could sign on to those three points.
Totally unrelated, but I just sent this message to the, “Contact the President,” at Whitehouse.gov:
Dear President Trump.
First, I want to thank you for the outstanding job that you are doing. I voted for you chiefly because you infuriated all of the people that I oppose -the media (Who I have called the, “Enemedia,” since 2003), the liberals, and those who want to use our great nation as a way to pay for the world’s mistakes with taxpayers’ monies.
I have not been disappointed in any way.
Now, about the FISA memo...
People are screaming in the conservative circles this question: “Where are the handcuffs?”
If the roles were reversed, and Hillary had won the election and this information came out, your opponents would be calling for blood.
But, that’s not what happened.
You are an honorable man. You believe in the rule of law.
We, who voted for you to save us from the corruption of the swamp, have faith in your drive and instincts to do what is right for our country.
Obama’s IRS was weaponized to go after conservative political groups.
Obama’s justice department was calling patriotic Americans and Veterans, “Domestic terrorists.”
And tonight, we hear some jackwagon on CNN named Phil Mudd say this:
“The government ‘s gonna kill this guy.”
“This guy,” was in reference to YOU, Mr. President.
That absolutely disgusts me at every level.
In 1993, I took an oath to protect and defend the constitution of my country. This oath has NO expiration date.
You have always maintained your oath of office to do the same. For that, I thank you.
I shall have your back, as will millions of other military veterans nationwide.
Also, please give Mrs. Sarah Huckabee Sanders a huge pat on the back for the awesome job that she has been doing. I look forward to every press conference posted to your YouTube channel.
Please keep on doing what you’re doing.
Never relent. They aren’t fit to shine your shoes.
(BTW, What are you still doing up, Ma’am??)