I’m so going to love watching this man fall.
And i’m out of popcorn.
Comey just is playing the tune others are singing....not to make a big deal of it and it will go away. But then he forgets nobody’s listening to him anyway.
I can’t wait til the day we see this POS in prison stripes
Going out to get the theater butter with the butter packet inside. This fight is truly for the heart and soul of our nation. I believe our President is here ‘For a time such as this’. President Trump keeps making me more proud every day of our great nation. I have been flying high since his election and every speech is another shot of adrenaline.
Melania has become my favorite First Lady, total class act and very proud to be an American, a woman, a mother, a Christian, and a proud wife. A model for the young women of our nation! How long has it been?
Our men and women in uniform are walking proudly again! The young men and women joining the services are proud Americans with a spring in their step.
If Mitch will step up in the Senate we will have our first budget in ten years. Our military leaders can bring the armed forces back from the abyss during these dangerous times. We can reclaim our borders. Cmon Mitch we are rooting for you, “Win one for the Gipper”.
I also believe the wheels of justice are about to start grinding. President is beginning to grease the scales and I pray our Judges will find their spines. This may be the only time in their life that it matters how well they do their duty to their oath of office. Step up, our nation truly is turning it’s lonely eyes to you. A country will only have justice if we have Just Judges. You are the agents of the great law giver, the Creator of the Universe from whom we receive our inalienable rights. You are the final protectors of those rights, you must do your duty before God and Country that we might have Liberty and Justice for all, not freedom from responsibility and license for licentious living.
Our Founders pledged their lives, fortunes, their Sacred Honor and many sacrificed all to include their families that we might be a free people living with liberty under the rule of law with statesmen serving as leaders. To all of our nation’s leaders, look in the mirror and see if the one looking back at you is a person of honor and integrity or an imposter. You will know the truth and may God have mercy on your soul if you dishonor your oath. MAGA!