Posted on 02/01/2018 6:32:29 AM PST by SoFloFreeper
..... Schiff accused Republicans of altering a GOP memo that allegedly shows FBI surveillance abuses before they sent the memo to the White House without getting the changes approved by the committee....
There's just one problem with Schiff's story: It appears to be overblown, deceptive, and a desperate attempt to stop the memo...
Byron York, a columnist for the Washington Examiner, spoke with sources on the committee who gave insight into the changes that were supposedly made to memo. York tweeted: "Just talked with House Intel source. Said total changes to memo were: A) Unknown number of 'grammatical and clarifying' fixes. B) One change requested by FBI due to sources & methods concerns. C) One two-word change requested by Democrats for accuracy."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Even York misses the obvious. There were five FBI agents who WITNESSED the corrections of these typos and other, as Nunes called them “minor changes to accommodate the minority.”
Nunes now has FIVE FBI WITNESSES that the Memo was never “changed” or “altered.”
The longer this is delayed the more it will become irrelevant. I’m starting to think it’s too late now.
The delays have bought the Dems precious time to launch counter attacks. Continued delays are letting the air out of the balloon. By the time its eventually released the Dems will claim its old news and a nothingburge. Why give them this advantage????
Adam Schiff has zero credibility. For almost one year he has been on cable news claiming there was evidence of Russian collusion. Not once did he ever describe the evidence. He couldn’t because there was none. Schiff’s goal was to keep the issue in front of the public by endless repetition in order to undermine the President. If a lie is repeated enough times, it becomes true. (I think that concept first was expressed by Joseph Goebbles). Now, Schiff will repeat endlessly that the memo was “altered.” If he says it enough, a certain segment of the population will believe it and use this “truth” to discount the memo.
After which the Deep State tied him up in false ethics charges until December 7.
Shifty Schiff and Schmucky Chucky Schumer.
The democRats have SO much to be proud of. /s
Well, duh, what the memo will reveal is how hyper-partisan the intelligence community has become.
Deep State seems terrified.
Tuesday night, Crazy-Eyes-Schiff and his fellow RAT travellers looked like escapees from “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”!
Given his vehemence on this topic, I have no choice but to wonder if Schiff - or one of his sugar daddies - is mentioned in this report.
“Okay. Release both the before and after versions of the memo and let the American people decide for themselves”
DING DING DING! We have a winner.
It may go deeper than that. I believe our justice system, the FBI and AG under Obama compromised our entire system beyond repair.
It appears to be a follow the pedo thing
Deep State seems terrified.
But continued delays in releasing the memo are buying them valuable time to counter it and raise doubts. This is really getting frustrating. What on earth is going on at the WH?
While I am against torture, generally, when I see that look on ValJars face in your meme, Id like to see someone go real Jack Bauer on that Pure Enemy.
To shut him down...
[[But continued delays in releasing the memo are buying them valuable time to counter it and raise doubts. This is really getting frustrating. What on earth is going on at the WH?]]
Maybe they are crossing their t’s and dotting their i’s .
Maybe they are waiting for a memorable day to release it .
Today is National Freedom Day
And maybe Trump’s legal advisors are being cautious given possible linkages to Mueller. Just a wild guess.
I have a dream that I’ll come back after lunch and find The Memo has been published. #CitizensCanDreamToo #ReleaseTheMemo #FullofSchiff
I have a dream that Ill come back after lunch and find The Memo has been published.
You can sleep in. ;)
Just heard the WH is allowing agencies to comment. Then, the memo will at some point be released by congress. Today is not looking like to me.
This reluctance to proceed with release is becoming more disturbing by the hour. The bureaucrats seem to be more important than the people’s right to know.
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