people are either statists or they are liberty minded.
statists are difficult to reach. It takes a decade to
convert a statist
How do you talk to relatives who are politically stupid?
Family, friends, co-workers or just casual encounters my tactic is very simple.
I should first state that for most of these encounters where politics enters into the conversation, my counterpart doesn’t really know the extent of my Conservatism, but I generally know where they stand. Some are more passionate and vocal then others which I use to determine a starting point.
For the most part, I’ve found that if I express my disgust, hatred or mistrust of the Government, I will find common ground. This is easier to establish when a Republican is in office. They don’t or can’t separate “Government” from President, so if I’m anti-government with Trump in office it confuses them and opens the door. I exploit their fear of Government, how the government uses the media with their propaganda. I feed their natural tendencies to buy into conspiracies which are all designed to destroy them as individuals.