If the FBI had Nunes memo, then the FBI would know which documents to claim “we didn’t back that up”, and and since current high-ranking officials in both the FBI and DOJ are on the list of political spying, more chances to shred, erase, and destroy evidence of a continuing criminal conspiracy. Question: can the FBI and/or DOJ be name in a RICO indictment? How about the DNC, Clinton Foundation/campaign. But I repeat myself.
Somehow God will work it out. They may think they are unbeatable, but they are no match for the Heavens.
Let’s be sure here.... this is a large country we are talking about... this country goes then the rest of the world goes. This is God’s world... it does not belong to the FBI or to obama or anyone in that world order bunch.
Good question, and for real. You can't make this stuff up. If you read 18 U.S. Code Chapter 96 - Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations it looks as if they are culpable. Who ever thought we would be here. This is America, damn it! We want our country back!