Please Google “Morris Dees Divorce Papers.”
In sworn testimony it is said that he molested his young stepdaughter and worse.
As a born and bred Southerner, just their name offends me.
They do provide an important service though in that by reading their list you know who is worth supporting on our side.
How about this group? Are they on the "Hate List"?
That's exactly what it is, and they play fast and loose with the facts.
I have a friend from forever ago who collects WW2 memorabilia. He got into trouble with the law and his house got raided. Not going to comment on that, but it had nothing to do with any kind of bigotry stuff. He's as close to apolitical as they come and accepts people as they come, on a one-at-a-time basis.
Some of the relics he had lying around were German. Those ended up on the news and now his name is tarred on the SPLC website as 'Neo Nazi'.
I've known him since the late Seventies. Nazi, my ass. He's more like a Libertarian from the 70s than anything else. He risked his life to save a Hispanic family trapped in a burning car when he came upon an accident scene and everybody that was already there was just standing there watching.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a Scam
Mo Dees has been working his sccam for decades now, using blackmail to extort “donations” from individuals and corporations using his pals in leftist media as weapons.
Morris Dees and George Soros should go skydiving. I know a guy who’ll pack their ‘chutes properly.
The SPLC is also behind many of these groups ripping statues down all across the South.
Maybe I should publish my own list...
Civil Rights is big business.