Posted on 01/16/2018 11:22:41 AM PST by nickcarraway
Morris Dees and George Soros should go skydiving. I know a guy who’ll pack their ‘chutes properly.
One wonders if they finally “got it” albeit too late.
First blame goes to the woman’s mother, reading to her as a child from a book by Hillary Clinton. And later, she’s meeting up with Nancy Pelosi, a serial liar and liberal fruitcake just days before her own murder happened.
Have a friend who started talking SJW in some sense and then appeared to be a HRC supporter. I haven’t heard from him in over a year (don’t expect to, now). I’m sure he thought HRC was a lock. Smart guy but never has been exposed to some of the lower elements of society; lived in a liberal bubble and I’m sure got all his information from the MSM, solely.
Another friend, pretty conservative and street-wise, was out in California for training. I told him to avoid that park (if someone invited him to view it) at all costs. He asked why. I told him of the David Ruenzel murder there. He was staying in that city I believe. When he called me I immediately remembered this article.
What makes them particularly disgusting, is that their target--the objects of their hatred--are those Americans who love America and honor the heritage of the Founding fathers & the Constitution they left for their posterity.
The SPLC is also behind many of these groups ripping statues down all across the South.
Maybe I should publish my own list...
Civil Rights is big business.
Amazing Bill how some here used to tout this scam of Dees and Potok
Same folks who worship Saint Martin
The Dees are a big clan in middle Alabama
Some are ok
They detest cousin Morris
I knew one who looked like a short Wild Bill Hickock
Thank you. My failing acuity is showing.
I guess Morri$ Dee$ got tired of Je$$e Jack$on and Al $harpton raking in all the cash.
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