Awww that mean old Pres. Trump. After all these years, we don’t want our Fake Friends in the UN to stop biting the hand that feeds them.
On the bright side, if the President keeps cutting these anti-American hand-outs, he will soon have saved enough to build the Trump Wall.
“The United States is the largest single donor to UNRWA, providing approximately a fourth of the organization’s budget.”
ONE FOURTH? What with there being something on the order of 180 plus “countries” in the UN, how in the world do we get to be the “funder in chief” for virtually every anti-american “agency” in the UN? And we have to borrow the money we provide from the Chinks. $hit, we’re probably using borrowed Chink money to fund our “naval blockade” of North Korea. It is sheer lunacy that has been at the controls of our “government” for fifty years or more. It would be important at this juncture to have someone aggregate all the non-US “expenditures” this country is making today to show us just what a major impact it has on our annual budget an wave it in front of the populace.
My bet is that most, if not all of these so-called “agencies” within the UN are simply artifices to extract money from the coffers of the United States to be given to undeserving “$hit hole countries” under the table.