Now how will they keep Palestinians holed up in refugee camps indefinitely? Who will pay for the childrens' hate lessons? What about the redundant ration cards? Huh? How can Trump be so cruel.
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To: Eleutheria5
SO not tired of winning. I read that ISIS is going after the Pali leaders in Gaza for not being able to stop Trumps relocation of our embassy. This is all great stuff.
2 posted on
01/06/2018 7:48:40 AM PST by
(Give me freedom not more government)
To: Eleutheria5
Love our Pres Trump.........
3 posted on
01/06/2018 7:50:16 AM PST by
(The U. S. Constitution - read it and weep)
To: Eleutheria5
Indefinite freeze on 100% foreign aid to any country. Spend money inside US borders.
Wait for cries of “isolationist” from butthurt world leaders. Spurn them.
To: Eleutheria5
Still not tired of WINNING!
5 posted on
01/06/2018 7:52:14 AM PST by
left that other site
(For America to have CONFIDENCE in our future, we must have PRIDE in our HISTORY... DJT)
To: Eleutheria5
Suspend all this foreign crap until our Wall is FINISHED!! 10 years mt A$$!!
6 posted on
01/06/2018 7:55:39 AM PST by
( "...if we have to close down our government, weÂ’re building that wall")
To: Eleutheria5
that mean old Pres. Trump. After all these years, we don’t want our Fake Friends in the UN to stop biting the hand that feeds them.
On the bright side, if the President keeps cutting these anti-American hand-outs, he will soon have saved enough to build the Trump Wall.
7 posted on
01/06/2018 7:59:38 AM PST by
To: Eleutheria5
8 posted on
01/06/2018 8:00:49 AM PST by
(I'm conservative & traditionalist, a nationalist and patriot.)
To: Eleutheria5
Of course, the fake media are too busy examining Trump's claims of being a "genius" to pay much attention to what is actually going on.
To: Eleutheria5
Both Israel and Trump would be better off taking that 125 million and paying the Palis to leave Gaza for greener pastures, say in Sinai.
10 posted on
01/06/2018 8:11:35 AM PST by
(Delusional - Adjective, Describes a Democrat or member of the MSM)
To: Eleutheria5
This how you play hardball against our enemies not against law-abiding American citizens the way you-know-who did...
12 posted on
01/06/2018 8:14:44 AM PST by
(Anti-liberalism 24/7)
To: Eleutheria5; Donald J Trump
The amount frozen is one-third of the annual funding the United States provides the organization, Freeze the other two thirds. Why are we borrowing money and giving it to foreigners?
13 posted on
01/06/2018 8:15:30 AM PST by
(... the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed)
To: Eleutheria5
It is not even questioned that the PA’s want to kill or drive the Jews into the sea. Their feelings for us infidels is just behind their feelings for Jews.
It’s also been proven they can’t be paid for peace with land or money.
Cut every dime to them forever!
14 posted on
01/06/2018 8:27:05 AM PST by
To: Eleutheria5
the grant had been frozen until the end of the reexamination of U.S. aid to the Palestinians,
Make that a very slow and thorough reexamination. 30 years or so sounds about right.
15 posted on
01/06/2018 8:29:02 AM PST by
(President Trump isn't our last chance. President Trump is THEIR last chance.)
To: Eleutheria5
President Trump drives another stake into the corruption that masquerades as the UN. A few more stakes and it will be time to leave.
18 posted on
01/06/2018 8:43:07 AM PST by
(Keep a sharp lookout. The best is yet to come.)
To: Eleutheria5
just another wing of the PLO/PA/HAMAS/HIZBOLLAH/Islamic Jihad and a myriad of other terrorists all pretending to provide aid to the PLO, Paleostinians.
19 posted on
01/06/2018 8:45:11 AM PST by
( and looking for a way ti IMPROVE mankind.)
To: Eleutheria5
Money talks! So does the withdrawal of money. Only problem is that the Iranians might start supporting the Paleostinians. Yes, despite the Sunni-Shiite split.
20 posted on
01/06/2018 8:47:20 AM PST by
(Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times, it's enemy action)
To: Eleutheria5
After how many decades? These people are not refugees and never wanted peace. Excellent!
25 posted on
01/06/2018 9:14:22 AM PST by
( The 2016 Election is about allegiance to the United States!)
To: Eleutheria5
26 posted on
01/06/2018 9:27:13 AM PST by
(Cut Taxes Repeal ACA Deport DACA - Americans First, Build the Wall, Lock her up MAGA!)
To: Eleutheria5
If you are a Refugee after 70 years, its time to realize your side lost.
28 posted on
01/06/2018 9:33:36 AM PST by
("I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6)
To: Eleutheria5
“The amount frozen is one-third of the annual funding the United States provides the organization, according to the report.”
Only one third? I’d say cut them off completely. I will bet you that a large portion of this money goes to helping the Palis kill Israelis, or to pay “martyrs” families for the “untimely deaths” of their jihadi kids.
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