I support Bannon but he lost the Javanka war
Bannon is a stalwart of social conservatism and traditional nationalism
Both of which I support
Immigration the past 40 years has altered us irreparably and Bannon understood that
Javanka do not
Republicans since the first Bush have supported the illegal invasion... it might surprise you that so do most religious denominations... we the taxpayers pay so called 'faith' based charities billions of dollars for their human trafficking.
IF Bannon is the source for this 'book', he won nothing, as he will have discredited anything he stood for.
Perhaps he did, but I recall nothing from Bannon demanding lying Ryan to end the funding of 'faith' based charities... in human trafficking.
‘Bannon is a stalwart of social conservatism’
Consider doing some research into the lengths Bannon went to in order to recruit and promote Milo Yiannopoulus. Yiannopoulus is flaming gay, no other way to put it. Bannon ‘made him a star.’ If homosexualality is part of social conservatism then your statement is true. Otherwise, more research is in order.