To: papertyger
Until then, Shapiro is participating in a "Bork"ing, and YOU'RE defending it as a "disagreement."Wow. Comparing Shapiro's comments about Trump's mannerism to Borking. Hyperbole much?
54 posted on
01/03/2018 12:40:42 PM PST by
To: dirtboy
Funny how you skate right by the whole “critique” (your word, not mine) request, and go straight to building a straw man.
57 posted on
01/03/2018 12:44:18 PM PST by
(Bulverism: it's not just for liberals anymore.)
To: dirtboy
BTW, I didn’t make a comparison; I said he was participating in it.
59 posted on
01/03/2018 12:46:33 PM PST by
(Bulverism: it's not just for liberals anymore.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson