It was widely rumored that during the Obama Administration SSA field administrators became deathly afraid to reject any black applicant (fearing Moochelle and Eric Holder would soon be up their shorts and ending their career).
If true this meant that the rejection rate for non-black applicants would have to rise substantially to keep their numbers in line. Given that Obama appeared to be using this as another Obamaphone program to take care of his peeps, the rates of fraud likely rose correspondingly.
Before Obama took office in 2009, SSDI had approx 6 million enrollees and by the time Obama left office in 2016 the SSDI roll are about twice that number
Over 60% of SSDI enrollees are fraudulent and SSDI consumes a staggering 145 billion dollars a year - 4 percent of the Federal budget
I have it on good authority that 6 out of the top 50 finishers in a recent San Francisco Bay to Breakers cross country foot race were on SSDI