Two things:
1. Article is misleading at the beginning - makes it sound like Trump picked the day of the SH massacre to have a meeting with LaPierre ..... when you read further, you realize it was the White House Christmas Party & LaPierre had an invite to that, not a private meeting with Trump.
2. The NRA has actually done someting USEFUL, that has a much better chance of saving lives during an attack on a school (if it doesn’t prevent it outright). NOBODY talks about it - you would think the Sandy Hook parents would be demanding every school go through the NRA School Shield program, but they’re all on the gun control band wagon. The SH murderer killed his mom and stole her guns .... no gun control law would have stopped him .... assessment & following the recommendations of the School Shield program would likely prevent or save lives in a similar attack.
You are spot on. This is fake news. Being invited to the WH Christmas party doesnt signify anything. This is just another attack on Trump by a grandstanding group thatwants to abolish the 2nd Amendment.