I'm a Christian, and I know when I hate, I'm violating what Jesus said was the 2nd most important of the commands: love my neighbor as I love myself.
Thus I know I'm in the wrong.
One of my greatest sin problems is that I hate God's enemies, which include brackish loserbama. (Did you see my act of hatred there!)
So I'm constantly confessing my sins, relying on my tagline, and praying for forgiveness, but with the confidence that my declaration of Jesus as my Lord and Savior leads to my forgiveness.
“I’m a Christian, and I know when I hate, I’m violating what Jesus said was the 2nd most important of the commands: love my neighbor as I love myself. Thus I know I’m in the wrong.”
Don’t want to be confrontational, but I think you are completely in the right.
Perhaps it would be profitable to explore some other theological approaches to this.
thank you