Justify and analyze the JUDGE ROY MOORE defeat as much as you want. The stark reality is that ALABAMA elected a Senator who believes in PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION and many stand accountable for making it happen through their false witness.
Yes, shocking.
Liberals chose evil. As always.
Conservatives let liberal evil win. Shades of the antichrist spirit Obama.
As demonically sad as that is, many (most) Republicans in Alabama and nationwide don’t care. They’d just as soon feed unborn children to the bone shredder as their Democrat counterparts. Most Republican politicians these days are about conserving and multiplying one thing and one thing only: money. They don’t give a crap about freedom, Constitutional rights, or unborn children, because those are the concerns of the Lower Class.
Justify and analyze the JUDGE ROY MOORE defeat as much as you want. The stark reality is that ALABAMA elected a Senator who believes in PARTIAL BIRTH ABORTION and many stand accountable for making it happen through their false witness.
You are right. Everything else is BS. A fat load of BS. Shame on you, Alabama. Shame.