My mother was watching The Five on Fox News a little while ago, and she said that they were saying that Alabama will either vote for a Democrat or a PEDOPHILE!
She was sick over it and said to me, “there’s not one shred of evidence in their calling him a pedophile!”
I shot off to them and angry tweet, blasting this outrage.
Why anyone watches Fox News is beyond me.. they have literally been unwatchable for years now... and fully went off into la la land during the presidential primaries.
Fox Business is probably the best coverage... Hell even CNN is better than Fox News anymore... how sad is that?
It’s amazing how many people don’t know the definition of pedophilia
...or for political reasons don’t want to know.
I’ve had to post it dozens of times in comment sections.
All the accusers should answer before JUSTICE !
That kind of uncontroled accusations are a poison for a free society
The marxists/democrats in the media smear Roy Moore with evil lies
Yet these same marxists/democrats invite millions of evil Muslim immigrants in to America, Muslims who do worship a real pedophile muhammad the prophet of Islam who married a 6 year old girl
Islam is lies