I dont see middle class tax increases as wise regardless of their machinations.
Our ultimate problem is a fairy godmother government, which in turn has filled the spiritual vacuum left by an ever more complacent church.
People are probably tired of my stories by now, but I’ll share another one anyhow.
My journeys have taken me to a historically black (yet theologically conservative) church in the city in which I am residing. These people do not “believe in vain.” They live in rough neighborhoods. People in white churches might talk about being saved from nicer sins, such as lust, maybe even envy and coveting. People here talk about being saved from crack and crime.
I’ve been urging these folks to reach out across racial boundaries. The white folks of the world, even the religious ones, might be more lost overall than they are. With exceptions, like yours redneck truly.
The “middle class tax increase” might also at least be a more honest move. Instead of hiding taxes under the table, they are being brought out in plain sight.
Now, we have more reason to ask why taxes need to be so much.
And well, I kinda sorta understand what’s moving the secular liberals. I’m not a heartless chap. I’m only opposed to having faux love shut out genuine love. And idolizing government is a sure fire way to get lots and lots of faux love.