I wonder what that means exactly??
So, if somehow Moore doesn’t win, Franken doesn’t go away.
Or if the brouhaha blows over some in the next few weeks, he doesn’t go away.
If you changed your mind about a deal and decided to pull out, you had a clause in the original contract that allowed you to do just that.
If Franken decides to resign, then he's said he will in the "coming" weeks. He's covered himself.
And if Franken decides to stay in the seat long enough to vote against Trump on some key bills like tax reform and until after Moore is elected to the senate, then he can still do that and still keep within his "in coming weeks" timeline.
But if Franken decides to stay on as senator until his term is over, he has an still out. His statement doesn't pin down when that resignation would be, except in the future. "In the coming weeks" could mean anything from two weeks to forever. He may wait for this all to blow over to see what happens.
No matter what he decides to do, from the statement today, "in the coming weeks" gives Franken his weasel clause.