“We could see the meteoric rise of the National Powder Puff League or the NPPL.”
It would probably be better and more realistic than what the NFL devolved into over the years. Seriously, all of the rules allow a ref to call a penalty on almost any play. You can’t tell me that that isn’t for TV broadcast purposes. The refs can control the flow of a game and magically insure a vast majority of the games fit into a 3.5 hour time slot.
Pre and post game shows almost felt like a frigging soap opera last time I watched (2011ish).
The players are, for the most part, assholes for lack of better terms. They’ve never been saints and I don’t expect them to be saints. It’s frigging football. These players seem to think they’re perfumed princes these days though and better than mere mortals.
I’d actually like to see what some of these scumbags have gotten away with over the years (scum like Ben Roethlisberger to be specific ... that log head rapist would be in jail if it were for his ability to throw a frigging integrated oval several yards).
Between taxpayer funded game show studios and this news that the scumbag “comish” gets a salary equivalent to the price of some stadiums, I hope the league collapses and burns to the ground. The country would be better off without it.
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