Joe DiGenova noted on TV this weekend that people like Flynn who are part of the transition team are actually paid as federal employees and thus can’t be prosecuted under the Logan Act.
That’s interesting.
My point, though, is that win, lose, or draw, guilty or not guilty, NOBODY has anything to fear from the Logan act because IMO a jury (receiving instructions at a trial) can not comprehend the law; the law has AFAIK never been used, and there is lots of slosh as to what constitutes a genuine violation of the act.
But he’s vulnerable to being bulldozed in every aspect of his life should the powers in the DOJ to make it so.
It is so galling that HRC gets away with volumes of crimes, this guy, who AFAIK is in every respect a long time dedicated gov’t employee, a patriot, and who has unquestionable skills returns a library book late and is creamed. I suspect you feel the same way.