From memory...
The story is a bit more complicated than the one told by her friends and family.
As I recall, the patrol car was slowly advancing down a dark alley when the victim approached from the rear, banged her hand on the trunk, and ran to the driver side window.
The cops had been recently warned by their commanders to use extreme caution in any situation that might be a planned ambush.
Did the cop fire his weapon negligently or recklessly or criminally?
I don’t know. But, there are definitely extenuating circumstances involved.
Yes, yes, and hell yeah!
What is the first rule of firearms use (after keep your finger off the bang switch until you're sighted on the target)?
That's right, be certain of your target, then what's behind it.
He fired ACROSS his partner's body exposing said partner to the business end of his sidearm, the flash, the shock wave, and the residual powder.
As for the complicated part, no it's not. If ANY OTHER citizen had done exactly what went down here, the trial would likely be finished by now, and the shooter in the big house. The partner might not be imprisoned, but WAS an accessory, no matter how you look at it. Citizens wearing the blue hat and suit should be held to a HIGHER standard, not given a pass.
BTW, I utterly hate it when police spokesmen refer to the public as "civilians", as they too are civilians, since they are NOT supposed to be a military force. They are the fellow citizens which have been entrusted with the enforcement of the law, which means for ALL, including themselves.
Standard cop procedure. Hear load noise, shoot next person you see