The question is whether the Boomers were that one generation or if their children are because either way, anyone over fifty is already having a hard time explaining to their kids how different this country is now from the country when they grew up.
...”The question is whether the Boomers were that one generation or if their children are because either way, anyone over fifty is already having a hard time explaining to their kids how different this country is now from the country when they grew up.”...
All of this began after the boys came back from WWII to a different kind of life at home where working outside the home had been introduced to many women who worked in factories to help during the war years. They liked it and, so, the family was changed forever as Mom could now lose some of her dependence on Dad through making her own money. For many, that was desired much more than tending to the home and children. In addition, the economy boomed and people began to have much more, materially, than ever before. The birthrate went up and parents determined that their kids were going to have it better than they did. So, the pampering began. A bit later, Dr. Spock came along with his liberal parenting advise, and we were off to the races to become like ancient Rome. The Judeo-Christian values that even the agnostics and atheists among us agreed upon began to erode with the introduction of the birth control pill and the promotion of LSD by Professor Timothy Leary. Everything was about the freedom to destroy any and all restraints on behavior, especially sexual behavior. I could go on and on for I and my siblings lived most of this and do not have to read about it. Those who now populate the halls of academia and government are from the 60s generation to the 70s and beyond, and are responsible for much of the insanity we see around us now. No amount of hedonism satisfies the lust which destroys the soul and the happiness which can only come through developing one’s skills and abilities through hard work and opportunity. Of course, every era has it’s flaws, but the civic and community spirit, the willingness to strive and work to the best of one’s ability, the understanding that a commonly held value system which keeps us from hurting one another, and a strong belief in freedom and JUSTICE for all have to be accepted values if we are going to survive. Now, the ability of technology and the media to distort truth would fill volumes if truly researched. Those who hold the power in those areas are small in number compared to the American population, but they have the ability to distort that to look much bigger and more influential than they are. Will they succeed in finally pulling us into the reality and the fate of ancient Rome? We are at that crossroad now and the survival of our current President and the power of the people which put him there will determine whether we and those who are taking us down will survive. There is no depth to which our enemies will not go to eliminate the history and the beauty of the US. Too many who regard themselves as powers in this world have a never ending lust for absolute power and will only stop their efforts when forced to. Is there something in the human heart which cannot stand advantage and prosperity without developing the hedonistic impulses which come from the lust to conquer all? Charlie Manson is the poster boy of someone who pursued those dreams. Death is the great equalize for mankind and then comes the hereafter. I believe therein lies the justice we all long for.