Besides the only two female friends I have, the only women I like to talk to are here at FR-but that said, there are some hard-core woman haters who show up on certain threads.
It is pretty obvious that the high heel prints left on their ass causes many to be that way-it is a shame they don’t get that some of us are not manipulative weak sisters or outright psycho, but maybe they will see it eventually-it does happen.
My guy got some hard use and a couple of undeserved kicks to the curb in the recent past-he still gets into women-are-bitches mode when something flips the switch-and he has even known for 40+ years I’m more like a guy in my thinking-but it slowly getting better-I am very patient...
Some of the men here are hopeless. Miserable, divorced guys who blame women for all their troubles.
I hope you and your guy have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!