Children are an “investment”....
Absolutely...pretty sad that some people here think the country would be JUST FINE without them. I suspect that people in their 50s and up in 1941 were very, very, happy that our country had a lot of children prior to that event.
children come by various ways other than husband and wife and that being the deduction is abused by some breeders who are not really taking good care of their “investment” and just use the “investment” tax system for their own purposes. Just as some use adoption/fostering but do not really care about raising the child best.
also, the “investment” is not just for the mother and father but whatever God intends or allows for the “investment” to go thru in life, could be short or long, much good things, or jail etc.
“Investments” can appreciate in value or be a huge loss. Children are not investments imo.