Why does a business that sales widgets that people want, feel compelled to jump into the political arena?
Sell your widgets, deposit your money, make payroll, and reinvest in your business to make more widgets. Rinse and repeat.
Isn't this covered in business ed? It doesn't seem complicated to me. I can nail this in 3 minutes and a .ppt presentation.
It doesn’t take an MBA or even a degree to figure it out. Top corporate officers are risk averse, particularly risks that they think will harm the corporate brand. There are many pressure points against corporate brands these days, ranging from lawsuits by individuals for almost any reason, to the class-action industry, to a form of blackmail and extortion by political groups (almost always Leftists), to various regulatory liabilities. All of those pressure points combine to induce cowardice in most corporate officers, who quickly and easily fold like a cheap suit at any threat to the corporate brand. Of course, some corporate officers are also into Leftist politics, and such people have helped drive the whole diversity and globalization movement.
Old school business/econ classes taught supply and demand. New school teaches social responsibility.
Old school business making a profit was good. New school business making as small as possible profit is better especially if your customers can claim virtue, you are not taking advantage of your employees, not raping the planet of resources, and you donate a percentage of profit to the charity du jour.