Actually I think the Geneva Convention wanted to ban shotguns from use in wars.
Shotguns have been used in virtually every war we’ve been in.
The argument these two elitists make is that “weapons of war” should be banned.
So following their logic, Mr. “Golfer with a gun” should lose his.
...Actually I think the Geneva Convention wanted to ban shotguns from use in wars...
It was the German military in WWI. They didn’t like the Model 97 Winchester “trench gun” at all.
It was SCOTUS in the 1930’s that said shotguns had no military utility when the duo appealing their case failed to appear to defend their case. The Solicitor General won unopposed that day.
“Actually I think the Geneva Convention wanted to ban shotguns from use in wars.”
I think they may have actually banned them for combat.
The US military still buys shotguns. They can still use them to shoot civilians.