“The Eastern world...it is explodin’....”
the Hezbellah terrorist murder gang is FINALLY about to get sent straight to their Alluh in HELL!
smile smile smile smile
It's been 30 years since the last full-blown civil war in Lebanon. That one lasted 15 years.
The excrement is about to hit the occilator.
A couple of recent possible related articles:
Saudis, Iran on path to very, very bloody war
“Jared Kushner, Mohammed bin Salman, and Benjamin Netanyahu Are Up to Something”
There have been stories that Israel warns it’s friends and allies (Including Arab nations) of operations that may endanger it’s allies. This is hard to believe sometimes. But if the Saudis and then the Kuwatis tell their people to get out of Lebnon. And then the IAF bombs Hezbollah positions in Lebanon. We just have to guess what’s going on over there.
Arab Fall?
First Saudi tells its citizens to leave Lebanon immediately, and now Kuwait did the same thing.
Saudi and its friends in the Gulf states are going to come to blows with Iran and its proxies in Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Yemen (Houti).
The flag is about to go up.
Keep your gas tanks/cans full
Per Arabic language media: UAE, too.
Getting sporty...
What’s the most direct overland route between Iran and Saudi Arabia?
Through Kuwait. With many spoils.