Pretty much.
But people like her/him/it don't hate us. Oh no, not them. The contempt with which they view us pretty much saturates their entire being, and it is amusing (and unsettling) to see them wear their faults on their backs. The levels of delusion are stunning to me, but it isn't as if I haven't seen it before in them.
I must say, I cast my vote for Trump on election night, and that was pretty much it.
I didn't watch any returns. I didn't watch any news. (I don't watch television anyway)
I was pretty relieved to hear Trump had won, but until today, I have not actually gone on YouTube and looked at all the liberals...liberals from the very top of the leftist food chain, all the way down to the very bottom of the food chain...and I must say, I find it hilariously entertaining, although, a little frightening, too.
It is always disconcerting to find brainwashed people who really, REALLY believe their own BS. As if they live in a little echo chamber all of their own.
They have no shame, though. They will just pretend it didn't happen, and that they didn't just vomit all over themselves and wake up in the middle of the main street with no pants and their underwear turned backwards with LOSER written in permanent marker all over their faces. They assume they can flush it all down the memory hole.