According to Lynn and Venhanen's book IQ and the Wealth of Nations, there's a pretty strong correlation between per capita GDP in most nations and the average IQ in the population. There are outliers, however. On one side, you have Communist or former Communist countries where the nations are much poorer than IQ would predict for institutional reason. The other outlier is Saudi Arabia and other Arab nations - which are swimming in oil and so are filthy rich in spite of a mean IQ in the 80's. Even without radical Islam to muddle their minds, I doubt any of these countries would ever amount to much. The best you can hope for is mediocrity without the religious fanaticism and violence.
Inbreeding, I haave read stories that many Saudi pilots have night vision issues as well as others making training them for this aspect near impossible. They intermaqarry cousins etc and the gene pool is becoming polluted and depleted.