You mean David Copperfield and son?
But they’re okay hanging with an accused rapist and known soiler of White House sinks.
George H.W. Bush gave us Bill Clinton.
George W. Bush gave us Obama.
Donald Trump keep Hillary away from the White House.
Case closed.
What respect I have had for “W” has now been lost. Neither 41 or 43 spoke out against Obama, but they are more than willing to slam Trump (and by extension the voters who voted for him) both verbally and in writing.
ROFL!!! As if the BUSHES are the ‘Halos of the Country’???
The whole Bush Clan are nothing but back stabbers, drug runners, crooks and they are ‘worried’ Our President is going to RUIN OUR PARTY??? They are the GOPe party, Our Party is the Party of Trump!!! Whole lot of difference there!!!
(Mr. Poppy George Hands Wandering Bush)!!!
1. these old has-beens need to STFU!
2. ex-presidents used to have some dignity
3. ex-presidents used to avoid as much as possible criticizing the current administration, president
4. R’s should not offer baseless,bs type criticism of another R
5. these two guys need to “get a life” and find something constructive to do.
6. and after all, DJT has Ahole McShame and yes, Jeb (three bushies, we are afflicted with 3 bushies damnit!)
to criticize him 24/7, already.
I am finally beginning to understand the antipathy to the Bush family here on FR
George HW Bush screwed up everything that Reagan did. If GHWB had just slept for 4 years adn did nothing, he would have won in 1992. And the USA and the world would have been a much better place.
Tells us everything we need to know about the globalist neocon Bush’s now doesn’t it?
The current GOPe NEEDS to be blown to smithereens! MAGA!
Well if Trump destroys the traditional GOP and a populist America First party emerges from the ashes, I would have to say job well done Mr. President.
Sometimes things need to be blown up.
yeah, they’re blowing something...
Yeah..and the issue is??? The GOP needs to be blown up..look at it..sometimes I see these GOP elitist dip sh*ts and wonder are they Democrats just better dressed..they want open borders and amnesty for illegals just like the Dems do, but the Dems are not afraid to say it that’s the only difference
I wonder if the Bushes are involved in Clinton shenanigans and are feeling the heat? Perhaps much of the swamp is worried about what they have done being exposed?
Excellent... that's why I supported Trump.
Lots of donors are really pissed off at how Jeb blew through their 150 million buck.
The Bush family maintained it's political power and clout the same Hillary and Bill Clinton did - people were of the opinion that it was just a matter of time before they were elected President - it was simply inevitable .
It's good to stay in the good graces of the family of a future President.
Donald Trump just destroyed the notion that Jeb or any member of the Bush family is ever going to be elected Prudent and in doing so he destroyed the Bush family Presidential brand, probably for good.
The Bushes seem to consider themselves some kind of American patrician royalty and they have become accustomed to being treated like and being deferred to as royalty by much of the political class.
When Trump facilitated a hapless Jeb Bush's stunningly swift and complete destruction of the Bush family political brand, he starved the Bush Dynasty of the deference and perks that they have become accustomed to by destroying the notion that they will ever be back in power as President.
The Bushes obviously hate him for that
FWIW, Bush 41 and 43 were both good Presidents while in office, but both failed to secure their policies and their patrician views of their role as President enabled the election of a destructive follow on President . They both left office with their polices as geopolitical unstable works in progress only to see the guy that succeeded them take advantage of the instability to melt down the regions they destabilized
No way will I ever vote for and member of the Bush clan
I think the GOP is blowing itself quite well.
One of Trumps greatest accomplishments has been to cause the corrupt Democrats and Rinos to show their true selves.
Im more worried about the Bushes (all of them) blowing the Clintons (both of them)