I went back to the antenna over 10 years ago. Just can’t understand paying to watch commercials. It’s like paying to wear clothes that advertise a product.
“I went back to the antenna over 10 years ago. Just cant understand paying to watch commercials. Its like paying to wear clothes that advertise a product.”
You remind me of me.
I remember how cable TV was sold in the late 1970s: INSTEAD of commercials, you could pay upfront and just get the content, commercial free.
I know. It has always seemed kooky to me, all those product t-shirts. I also remove advertising decals and license plate frames when I buy a car.
In the spirit of full disclosure, I did once purchase and wear this t-shirt:
We used to get three channels through the antenna. Since the stations have dialed back their coverage area, we can’t get any. It’s cable or nothing. Internet here stinks so that’s not really an option.
Many keep cable for football games. Wonder how many have cut the cord this season.
I remember when cable tv began. The big draw? No commercials!
I remember John McCain pushing for lower cost and a la carte channels.
I remember when TV shows didn’t bash men.
I even remember Ernie Kovacs.